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Schedule of Fees

User Fees Beginning April 1, 2020

User fees are paid in arrears monthly and are due the 1st day of the month and are considered delinquent on the 16th day of the month.

Monthly Residential Use Fee: $40.00

  • Late Fee: $5.00 on any unpaid balance

Monthly Commercial Use Fee: $40.00 for the first 5,000 gallons, $5.10 per 1,000 thereafter

  • Late Fee: 5% of the unpaid balance

Returned Check Fee: $25.00

Tap Fees Beginning April 1, 2020

  • Residential: $8,000 for the first 20 Fixture Units, $300 for each Fixture Unit thereafter.
  • Light Commercial: $8,000 for the first 20 Fixture Units*, $300 for each Fixture Unit thereafter; includes office building, office warehouse, etc.
  • Heavy Commercial: $11,500 for the first 30 Fixture Units*, $300 per Fixture Unit thereafter; includes any property requiring pre-treatment with a sand oil interceptor or grease interceptor before discharge to the District Collection System, i.e. restaurant, food preparation, car wash, automotive, etc.
  • Industrial: $11,500 for the first 30 Fixture Units*, $300 per Fixture Unit thereafter; includes any categorical and/or significant industrial user requiring an NPDES permit from the state or EPA for discharger to the district collection system.

*Fixture Units as calculated in the most recent edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code.

Additional Fees

  • Unauthorized connection to district collection system: $2,000
  • Failure to pay tap fee within 10 days of obtaining building permit: $1,000
  • Unauthorized opening of district manholes or access to District Facilities: $1,000

Lien Fees

  • If the district files a lien on any property in order to collect any fees, rates, rolls, penalties, or charges for services, programs, or facilities furnished by the district: $100
  • Intent to File a Lien: $50

Conference Room Rental Fees

  • Room use 5-hour* blocks: $30

*5-hour blocks can be reserved by calling the office at 719-481-4886.